Point-of-sale marketing is the frontline of CPG strategies. Point-of-sale promotion tactics can make or break your sales – here are the top things to consider.
Point-of-purchase marketing is one of the most effective retail advertising strategies, no matter what your store sells. A compelling point-of-sale display breathes life into your store, creating enormous value and building customer loyalty. In this article, we’ll cover some of the proven methods for making point-of-purchase marketing work for you.
What is point-of-purchase promotion?
Point-of-purchase promotion is a marketing strategy in which products are placed at or near a point of purchase to encourage last-minute buying. In CPG retail, one of the most ubiquitous examples is the way supermarkets tend to sell things like soft drinks and chewing gum at the checkout lines, along with other items shoppers might not have thought about buying before.
#1. Know what to base your strategy on
Point-of-purchase displays may be temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent, but each one can play an important role. These displays should be based on your current retail goals and align with factors like customer expectations, demand, and competition. For example, if there’s a high demand for a particular product, then it makes sense to display it in an unmissable location by the checkout.
#2. Keep shoppers busy while they wait
No one likes waiting in line at the checkout, but keeping customers entertained while they wait is an effective way to soften the blow and increase sales. That’s why many retailers display items that tend to get forgotten about. For example, an electronics store might sell batteries at the checkout to make sure customers remember to buy them. Not only does this boost profits – it also improves the customer experience.
#3. Display ads that answer pain points
The most effective ads address certain shopper missions or pain points. In other words, point-of-sale displays should provide answers to common customer problems. For example, parents might be looking for healthier snack options when their children are going back to school, in which case it makes sense to have a display that answers that particular pain point.
#4. Maximise the cross-selling potential
Cross-selling is one of the most powerful retail methods of all, simply because shoppers often end up buying things that aren’t on their lists. By displaying related items together, you can also improve the customer experience by helping them make sure they don’t forget things like condiments or accessories. Retail business intelligence tools can help you find cross-selling opportunities by garnering insights from past sales habits.
#5. Pay attention to seasonal variations
If there’s a holiday or regional event coming up, be sure your POP displays are relevant to the season. While it’s obvious to have themed displays during the Christmas season and other major events, a little creativity can go along way too. Stores can also organize their own events and themes and, in doing so, differentiate themselves from their competitors.
#6. Create an interactive product display
While interactive product displays might not be suitable for every type of merchandise, they can be enormously effective in engaging customers and giving them a memorable experience. Interactive displays are becoming increasingly popular in retail stores, even if it’s something as simple as helping customers choose a particular product type or colour. These experiences also record valuable data about customer interactions, which you can draw upon to constantly improve the process.
#7. Get creative with pop-up displays
Popup displays can align with customer missions or address seasonal demands, but no matter the event, there’s always scope for some creativity. After all, some display types are so common that they barely register in shopper’s minds. Instead, try creating something unique and eye-catching. For example, you could arrange an assortment of cans in the form of a much larger can to advertise a promotion on certain beverages.
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